Home Play Discover 41° South Salmon & Ginseng Farm

41° South Salmon & Ginseng Farm




Open 10am-4pm Tue-Sun.

We believe it is possible to build a positive interaction between people and their environment. Our foundation is the soil, the plants, the stone of the and and the most vital source of life - water...

41° South Salmon Farm & Eco Experience offers self guided walks and wanders along the Western Rivulet passing through a diverse array of vegetation from wetland grasses to woodland areas. Learn how a wetland will act as a natural biofilter.

A self guided tour combines viewing the fish farm, flora and fauna plus learning about the ways in which they interact with this unique ecosystem.

The key attractions are the fish farm itself, ginseng plantation, fish feeding, walks through a natural and man-made wetland with dragonflies, frogs, birds, fish, platypus and nature trails to the base of our waterfall.

Enjoy freshly made light meals & coffee in Georgie's Cafe.

Discover the miracle plant ginseng and enjoy the ginseng interpretation display, different trial plots and taste the ginseng root.


Disabled facilities available.

Contact details

Phone: 03 6362 4130

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Web: Visit website

Map & Directions

323 Montana Road, Deloraine Tas 7304, Australia,


From Deloraine follow the Mole Creek Road (direction Cradle Mountain), turn left after 5km into Montana Road. (3km)