Home Dine Brewers Red Brick Road Ciderworks

Red Brick Road Ciderworks



The Ciderworks is our brand new cidermaking facility and cellar door in our hometown of Deloraine, situated in Tasmanias picturesque Meander Valley.

While we're not officially open on Mondays & Tuesdays, if we're working we may open up, so call in if you're passing by.

Like all good things, it's better when it's shared, so come and join us for a quiet cider and learn more about our cidermaking process, or just hang out and have a drink, listen to the vinyl (Corey chose the Tony Barber LP!!!), play a board game or meet friends.

This site will also be the home for our new cider-based gin, Hells Gates.

We also serve Tasmanian wine, beer and gin.

Contact details

Phone: 0438 671 418

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Web: Visit website

Map & Directions

30 East Parade, Deloraine TAS 7304 Australia