Home Accommodation Cable Hang Gliding - Launceston TASMANIA

Cable Hang Gliding - Launceston TASMANIA

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Experience the sensation of hang gliding as you soar over an eighteen metre cliff landing two hundred metres from your take-off point

Voted by Getaway (holiday TV program) as one of the best ten rides in Australia.


Opening Hours: 1 May - 30 November 2010, 10am till 4pm Saturday / Sunday / Public Holidays and all School Holidays Other times by booking

1 December 2010 - 30 April 2011 Open Daily 10 am till 5 pm

Please note operation is subject to weather conditions.

Map & Directions

Reatta Road, Launceston TAS 7250 Australia


Six kilmetres from Launceston Post Office travelling via Trevallyn Rd and Reatta Rd and follow signs to our location in the Trevally Reserve.