Jade Hallam Meander Falls Great Western Tiers

Ancient king billy pines growing near Meander Falls | © 2020 Jade Austen. All rights Reserved.

Nestled within the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area, this challenging day walk takes you through temperate rainforest and culminates at a waterfall that cascades 130m over the lip of the Great Western Tiers.

Following the course of the Meander River the walk takes in a wide range of vegetation types with many flowering understory plants such as Tasmanian Waratah and Leatherwood as well as iconic Tasmanian species of King Billy pine, Celery Top pine & Myrtle. The track is well-marked in most places, but is steep with an elevation gain of 470m over 5km.

There is a hybrid toilet and information board located at the car park.

Time: 5-6 hours return.

Grade: 3: Some bushwalking experience recommended. The track while recently upgraded is steep and rough with many steps.

Download the PDF handout here.

For more information contact the Great Western Tiers Visitor Centre.

98 -100 Emu Bay Road, Deloraine
03) 6362 5280
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